
DIY Ice Cream In A Blender

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DIY Ice Cream In A Blender
Here is an easy recipe for homemade ice cream using just 4 ingredients and a just a basic blender. No need to go out and purchase anything high tech. We enjoy having our ice cream during movie night. It is very fresh tasting. No worries about having freezer icicles in our ice cream as is sometimes the case when you buy it from the grocery store.
Hope you will enjoy this as much as we do!

Ice Cream in a blender makes approximately 1 litre


1 cup fresh whole (full fat) milk 
1 & 1/4 cups whole (full fat) whipping cream 
1/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla


1. Add all to blender and blend on high speed for two and a half minutes. 
2. Place in plastic container. Cover over with plastic wrap. Place lid on tightly.
3. Place in freezer for at least 8 hours. The result should be creamy tasting ice cream.

Enjoy :)

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  1. looks yummy- and so easy to make! Thanks for sharing~

  2. I didn't know it was that simple to make vanilla ice cream! Thanks for sharing. Oh, BTW.. would you happen to know how to make chocolate ice cream? :)

  3. Thanks for sharing sounds delicious!!

  4. Yum, there's nothing better than homemade ice cream. I have an ice cream maker so I make ice cream all the time!

  5. I bought an ice cream maker last Christmas and still haven't used it! I think we'll be trying some frozen yogurt soon!

  6. I had no idea it was that simple! I think I might give this a try over the weekend...my boys LOVE to eat ice cream!

  7. I never knew you could make ice cream in a blender! I'm so trying this I have everything, but the heavy cream I'll have to grab that today :)

  8. I am so pleased that you shared this recipe - I have always wanted to try making ice cream but didn't want to buy another gadget that I might not use. Now I can try in the blender

  9. What a great idea!!!! I'm so going to try this. I had no idea I could use a blender.

  10. Very easy recipe.. my niece loves Ice cream.. i'll try out this wonderful recpe..
    Thanks for sharing

  11. Yummy and easy! Definedly something I would like to try :)

  12. I don't think I've ever had homemade ice cream! This is a very simple recipe.

  13. What a great idea, these are items most of us have on hand. Just add a little fruit to give it a healthy twist.

  14. wow, awesome recipe! I've never tried making an icecream. Will save this! Thanks.

  15. My favorite kind of recipe - simple and only a few ingredients. Thanks for sharing.

  16. looks good I have to try & make this for the kids

  17. Yum! I've never made ice cream using a blender before. Getting the ice cream maker out is sometimes so much work so I'll have to try this!

  18. Oh this sounds so yummy. My kids are going to love it. Thank you for sharing.

  19. This is cool. well i would love to try make my own ice cream but my people would prefer store bought. Thanks for sharing this easy and simple recipe.

  20. Now I need a blender! haha this sounds tasty!

  21. What an awesome idea! My daughter would love this!

  22. I always wanted to make my own ice cream. I can't wait to try this and see if it works. Any idea about having to alter the recipe if I want to add things, like fruit?

  23. I've never thought about making it in the blender. I always make ice cream in a food processor. Thanks for sharing I'm definitely going to try this!

  24. It sounds quite easy to make and looks delicious... I love ice cream too.

  25. I have bookmarked this and will Def try it in the Summertime!

  26. Thank you for sharing this recipe.. Now I have the idea of how to create/make an ice cream!

  27. This looks really good! Love how easy the recipe sounds too!
