There is something special about vintage wallpaper. There are so many unique designs, color schemes, and variety of patterns that all share a common factor. They trigger memories of a time long gone and help create a unique atmosphere and homey feeling.
Fast forward into the future, we now have even more amazing wallpaper designs that still have that vintage look to it however even more beautiful than before.
The following are some creative ways that you can use vintage wallpaper in your home.
1. Make a bold entrance
There might be no better way to make a bold design statement from the moment you open the front door than by adding retro vintage wallpaper to an entryway.
2. Decorate the walls of an entire room
Papering all four walls vertically from ceiling to floor is the usual method of putting up wallpaper. While that might be the right solution for your decorative transformation, however, you could also consider hanging lengths at unusual angles to each other to devise new designs, colors, and shapes. Or you could even use two or more different types of wallpaper to create interesting and unusual color combinations, patterns and textures.
3. Ceilings
Accent ceilings came back to the list of trends several years ago and continue to be popular. You may accent the ceiling using bright paint, various panels or just attaching bright or printed wallpaper. Such a solution is a great idea for any space.
4. Closets
Did you fall in love with a floral vintage wallpaper that you would like to use only for a smaller space. Try pasting it on the closet doors, inside the closet, or line within closet or cupboard drawers for a new and vintage look.
5. Staircase
The inside surface of a staircase sometimes has a plain, boring, and usually overlooked as an area that you can customize. However, amazing results can be achieved by applying wallpaper to these inner surfaces. It’s quirky and eye-catching and can truly transform a hall space or corridor.
6. Furniture
Give a new life to your old furniture with bright and cute vintage wallpaper. You can apply wallpaper to all kinds of items such as bookshelves, cabinets, headboards, and tables. You may also line up the inner parts of open storage units like buffets or cover a mirror frame.
7. Make a fireplace feature wall
Fireplaces often have a wall that stretches out from the rest of the walls in the room. One easy way to improve the look and feel of your fireplace is to turn the wall into a feature wall. By using a print of classic vintage wallpaper to contrast the paint or wallpaper throughout the rest of the room, you will create a beautiful scene to be enjoyed, while sitting in front of the fire on a cold winters night.
Are you looking for vintage wallpaper? Astek Home has a team of designers that have remastered patterns of the past to create an exclusive collection of retro and vintage wallpaper for the present. Their wallpaper designs start pre-1920s and go through the 1970s. What are some creative ways you use vintage wallpaper in your home?